9 ways Britain could stay in the European Union – POLITICO.eu
Hey politico it is my body and i dont care what you say!
Posted on 7/21/17 | 7:33 AM CEST
10 hell freezes over 11 when politico starts reporting properly 12 when the EU is run for its citizens and not the elite 2%.
Posted on 7/21/17 | 7:45 AM CEST
But who says that the other party in the divorce proceedings wants him/her back? Faith and trust, both cornerstones of any successful union, are damaged considerably. Who in the EU wants further dealings with someone like BJ who changes his mind, not after careful thought, but because he just feels like it or NF whose spiteful tirades as a MEP doesnt prevent him sitting there and getting his remuneration poor chap would be on the dole otherwise. We talk about the EU vs UK as if there are two parties but one party has 27 members who all have to voice their say and if it comes to a vote a democratic majority may find that they just dont want the UK anymore.
Posted on 7/21/17 | 7:50 AM CEST
How many times does the government have to say we are leaving EVERYTHING!
Lanacaster House Speech Oct2016:were leaving everything. Article 50 letter March 2017: were leaving. Start of June 2017 negotiation Davis to Barnier: were leaving everything.
Get it in your skulls! The confusion is in the Eu and left wing press. UK cant be leaving everything. Im confused DUH!
Were leaving.
We mean it. Treat us a third country please, it will stop your confusion!
If you think the EU and for instance Canada or Saudi Arabia (a third country) would have a press conference where EU says, we will have our courts over Saudia Arabia, and you would expect the Saudis to stand there and go OH OK THEN DUH!. No a Third country would think the EU were a bunch of nutty weirdos for suggested this to them. GET IT IN YOUR HEADS! We are behaving like a third country with full sovereignty because THAT IS WHAT WE NOW ARE, which makes the EU look ridiculous to us.
You are all in denial. It is confusing you and the EU and their negotiators. But it is not the UKs fault. We cannot say it any more clearly!
Posted on 7/21/17 | 10:07 AM CEST
usual politico games
one never was (Vince cable) and one has been (tony Blair) are not representative. The Leave vote was the largest ever democratic mandate ever given by the British people. What difficulty do the remainers have in understanding that?
The over paid, over bearing, undemocratic elite who have made the EU to suit their own pockets and beliefs have tried their best to reverse the decision. The aim is to offer the worst deal possible and then try to get a vote on it, hence the initial dithering by the Govt.
Leave means Leave. We were all made fully aware of the consequences during the very long referendum campaign when the govt and the establishment tried to scare us all silly. The leaflet sent to every voter explained the consequences. We are not children.
The initial path will be rocky but it will be worth it to send out a message that the EU does not work as had been hoped, it is heading in a different direction to one we would like and that it is the ordinary people who count, not the elite who have made a very good living out of the organisation.
Cooperation? Friendship? Allies? Yes of course, but why can no one get it through their heads that our sovereignty is important to us?
Posted on 7/21/17 | 10:08 AM CEST
Milton your probably right the eu27 may not want the uk in the eu however given the choice they would still be over joyed if uk decided to revoke article 50 as it would allow the greedy spongers to get their mits on more uk hard earned money. But in reality its highly unlikely unless the eu were to cease its political and economic meddling and revert to nothing more than a free trade cooperative which wouldnt be compatible with germanic imperialism
Posted on 7/21/17 | 10:48 AM CEST
What is it about the EU that wants people to keep voting until they give the right answer?
Posted on 7/21/17 | 10:59 AM CEST
Not British here. Hope not, hot Britain will leave and stay out of the EU. Every day i pray for a hard brexit. Hope especially England stay out for a long long time. Dont wont to see the likes of Farrage on the EP. It never amused me, hope he takes his Circus to the British Parliament or to the British Embassy on the US. I did hope that britain voted leave.
Posted on 7/21/17 | 11:03 AM CEST
Ok, now take a couple of steps back from this article put a wet towel on your head and think through whats been written.
Sorry, but, all nine points added together make me think that some form of Brexit will happen this was effectively a Bremainers hope list as the old saying goes, hope, is not a strategy . Id go further, hope to somehow reverse Brexit is for losers. Far better to ,now, take off the rose-tinted spectacles and view Brexit as a positive outcome that will happen.
Posted on 7/21/17 | 11:05 AM CEST
One third of all MEPs in the European Parliament are Euroskepitic from all countries. If the EU reformed, this would not be so, so dont blame UK for EU failings.
The European Parliament has elections soon. What will majority be then? Euroskeptic? Anti-EU in the EU Parliament! Please remember the UK never voted in UKIP to OUR parliament in Westminster London, but they (I dont vote UKIP I am left-wing actually) voted them into Brussels. Do you think all those Le Pen voters have gone away because they made the sensible decision to not put her party in power in their own country. Voting in Europe Parliament is a different matter isnt it
You are just shooting the UK messanger. It is not our fault. We just tried to warn you. On your head be it. We do not want nutty far righters in this country thank you. We are not extreme. We have a normal ordinary Conservative in power and it is staying that way. The referndum stopped UKIP forever and they have now practically disbanded. The referendum got rid of them. Denying people a vote on something will always cause extremes such as the far right. Giving them the vote means we dont have to deal with the far-right anymore. EU countries will battle this until they lose.
Dont shoot the messnger. We warned you and you ignored us and dont want to listen at all. Like you said you want us to go and shut up. You do not want to hear it; but it is a FRIEND who warns you. An enemy would not warn you of dnager ahead would they? UK is your friend whether you believe it or not.
Posted on 7/21/17 | 11:16 AM CEST
@Wow: As a so-called friend, you dont seem to be willing to acknowledge the fact that the EU is made of various MS with different realities: it is not for one of them to impose its views on other partners. Certainly not through supposedly well-intended warnings and threats. I personally would welcome back the 48% who feel European. As to euro-sceptics, I see no problem with them campaigning for exiting the EU but they shouldnt be allowed to profit from the financial advantages offered by such a position if their sole purpose is to sink the boat. As I see it, a referendum delivering such a poor majority doesnt make any sense as it excludes half of the population. So long, my friend
Posted on 7/21/17 | 11:43 AM CEST
You are in denial. This paper says things in other articles today like:
Ohhh the IMF is bailing out Greece isnt that GOOD news!
Good news!!! Good News??
Imagine if the UK had just got an IMF bailout!!!
Good NEWS!?!?!?!?!
You just want to shoot the messenger because you are in denial.
Complete denial. YOu come here and pick apart the UK which MIGHT lose a bit of growth ie it will still grow but not as quickly and the EU cannot afford to bail out Greece it has ahd to ask for AN IMF BAILOUT!!
Read the words and WAKE UP will you?
Stop blaming the UK, we did not cause the problems, we told you if you do not reform and deal with all these MASSIVE problems you have, we will have to protect ourselves from all this silliness, but we are still your firends and do not want to see you go under. You need to WAKE UP!!
You are all in complete and utter denial.
Posted on 7/21/17 | 11:52 AM CEST
The recent UK elections showed that the only party which wanted the EU to fail (UKIP) does not have much support in the UK. However, there is much support to the view that the UK will be much better off outside the EU. The majority of the people in the UK want the EU to be successful, however, not with the UK as a member. The problem seems to be that the EU does not want an independent UK to be successful. If only they would stop being so childish about this, then both parties could prosper.
Posted on 7/21/17 | 12:07 PM CEST
I doubt very much that the EU27 would accept for the UK to stay in the EU now that the UK has handed over the article 50 notification. Some member states might hold that view, but not enough of them to sway the decision.
Posted on 7/21/17 | 12:16 PM CEST
Francois P Are you familiar with Oliver Twist Please Sir can I have more?? Thats the Eu so of course they would want the uk to stay and continue topping up their bowls it is the uk that doesnt want to stay
Posted on 7/21/17 | 12:31 PM CEST
@Francois P
You may hes a dreamer, but hes not the only one.
Poor Tusk singing the Beatles. I like him actually, he seems ok.
Posted on 7/21/17 | 12:34 PM CEST
No means NO.
Politico has consent issues.
Heres an explanation for you using Tea:
Posted on 7/21/17 | 12:36 PM CEST
@Wow: I have a dream It would be nice, Dear Friend, if you would reflect on your discriminating comments for a change rather than accuse others of denial. Question yourself in the first place You may discover how your argumentation is voluntarily biaised and generated by bitterness. Identify where it stems from. You may perhaps have a chance to cure it. Good luck!!!
Posted on 7/21/17 | 12:55 PM CEST
@Chris: It is obvious the UK only joined the EU for what it could gain from it: the single market. Its successive governments never shared common views. Basically, you should never have joined: de Gaulle was right: the UK doesnt belong in the EU. Having said that your leaders signed the Treaties and therefore have to respect the clauses thereof, whether they enjoy it or not. The EU doesnt mind a trouble-maker leaving the club, on the contrary but it will have to be done according to the rules which all parties have acknowledge. There are no reasons why the UK should be treated with undue solicitude and allowed not to respect basic commitments.
Posted on 7/21/17 | 1:04 PM CEST
@Wow: you should calm down, my Friend. Getting so exciting is bad for your blood pressure
Posted on 7/21/17 | 1:07 PM CEST
Yes I agree. The EU was never a good fit for the UK. The UK should respect its basic commitments until March 2019. Obviously after 2019 there will be no further commitments that the UK will have against its will.
Posted on 7/21/17 | 1:32 PM CEST
You claim (and resent) the UK for joining the EU for its own self-interest. Fair pointBUT Do please tell me one of the other EU members that did NOT join for its own self-interest???
Posted on 7/21/17 | 1:44 PM CEST
@Vishnou over-emotional subjective nonsense a s usual Vishnou.
I have merely stated facts as reported in this paper today.
Have some Tea. HAVE IT! Its a good consent video.
The Brits are too level-headed for all this EU nonsense. You should have reformed while you had the chance. We have been left with no option but to completely sever all ties, take an economic hit and get as far away from the EU as possible. Why is the IMF bailout of a Eurozone country good news? Because it is less of a disaster than the disaster that would happen without it. The complete collapse of the Euro would happen as admitted by this paper, ig Greece does not get an IMF bailout.
Is the Pound collapsing? NO. Is UK needing an IMF bailout? NO. Are these things even in the worse Brexit scenerio predicted to happen to the UK? NO! Worst prediction is a slowing of growth, so that we still grow but not as quick.
It is best we get away from the EU and its constant disasters as the EU nor it citizens are willing to face reality and indeed they shoot the UK messenger. None of these things are our fault. We are literally just the messenger.
You need to wake up from your sleep you are in deep deep denial.
Posted on 7/21/17 | 1:44 PM CEST
* It is a FRIEND who points out when you are heading for disaster. It is an enemy who stays quiet and watches you fall.
Dont forget this please.
Posted on 7/21/17 | 1:46 PM CEST
@ Wow : @Vishnou over-emotional subjective nonsense a s usual Vishnou.
Thank you, Wow, for this wonderful opportunity to encourage a dialogue. I admit it is not possible in view of your limitations, indeed.
Posted on 7/21/17 | 3:37 PM CEST
@Alan the 2nd: most of them did indeed, especially countries from the former Eastern block. But initial members respect their obligations and dont question the rules of the Treaties, which were agreed and signed by all. I honestly think the EU should reduce its membership and exclude all those members who joined for false reasons. We were much better off in 1995. when Austria, Finland and Sweden joined: that was enough. And the UK shouldnt have been accpeted in 1973.
Posted on 7/21/17 | 3:44 PM CEST
I do love Ms Millers vacuous populist will of the people statement clearly she believes that the only will that counts is the financiers in the City . . . to which class, oddly, she belongs.
The EU wants to move, however slowly, toward fiscal, monetary, political, and judicial unity. That means that all other considerations aside, Britain would inevitably, down the line, come under relentless pressure to go on the euro, surrender its current opt outs, submit to whatever migration pressures Brussles dictates, etc., etc. In short: somewhere in the future, if Britain stays in, it will be colluding in the true aim of the EU: the destruction of European nation states as such including itself. It will become nothing more than a cog in the EU wheel. Ms Miller, of course, sees nothing wrong with that as long as she and the City keep raking in money while the rest of Britain turns into a second-class shadow of what was once a great country.
The British is public is being lied to by both pro-EU (as opposed to pro-European) partisans and BREXIT partisans. The difference is, if the former win the war, Britain will see the end of itself as Britain within 25 years. From my view, any amount of uncertainty, economic included, for a decade is worth avoiding that, and having Brussels screaming at us that we must do more as half of Africa gatecrashes Europe and slowly replaces the former population that made Europe the success it became.
Posted on 7/21/17 | 4:06 PM CEST
@Vishnou Thats the point, you didn;t start a dialogue. Go and read your comment again. You jumped in and replied to me with emotional nonsense.
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