Abbreviations of the European Union

The European Union is a group of 28 countries throughout Europe that have combined to form a union based on political and economical compatibility and fusion. In the interest of brevity and efficiency, many of the countries can be easily abbreviated into just two letters. These official EU abbreviations are used in a number of places, including government documentation.

The most common place where you will encounter abbreviations in the European Union (EU) is with the names of the countries themselves.

Other countries that are in Europe but aren't part of the EU are:

While it's easy to assume that the Euro (EUR) is the only currency used through the European Union, that's simply not the case. In addition to the modern EU currencies listed below, countries within the European Union had previously used their own local currencies, like the Austrian schilling (ATS), the Estonian kroon (EEK), the Italian lira (ITL), the German mark (DEM), and the French franc (FRF), among others.

In addition to abbreviating the names of European countries, the EU also features a number of abbreviated forms of official organizations and programs.

In general, it is easy to address many of the countries, organizations, programs, offices and currencies of the European Union by their established abbreviations. For the most part, the abbreviations are very well known, making it easy for everyone to know which organization, office or program is being referred to without much of an issue.

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Abbreviations of the European Union

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