Britain will get money back from the EU instead of paying to leave under plans being considered by ministers –

"Theresa May has - rightly - accepted the principle that both sides should settle their outstanding commitments. But while we should agree a methodology for doing this early on, there's no way any British PM could agree to signing a blank cheque at the start of negotiations".

Theresa May has said that Britain will meet its "obligations" to the European Union, although the Government strongly disputes claims it owes 50billion. Boris Johnson, the Foreign Secretary

Iain Duncan Smith, a Tory MP and former Conservative leader, said: "We have put into the place half a trillion pounds over the past 40 years which has never come back. That's invested in all sorts of stuff there.

"We have intellectual property rights, physical investment in buildings, money in the European investment bank. We own a chunk of the EU, we don't owe them any money.

"They are petrified that in two years time we will pull out and they will lose the second highest donor to the Budget.We should sweep that to one side and say honestly, these back of the envelope calculations do nobody any good.

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Britain will get money back from the EU instead of paying to leave under plans being considered by ministers -

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