British branch of European Union of Women holds its spring … – WarwickshireWorld

The European Union of Women as an organisation is also celebrating its 70th anniversary this year.

By Kirstie Smith

Published 17th May 2023, 17:46 BST

Updated 17th May 2023, 17:46 BST

The British branch of European Union of Women (EUW) held its spring conference in Warwick.

The group, which has around 200 members from all over the country including Warwickshire, held its event at the Delta Marriot Hotel.

Members also got to travel into the town and many also had a tour of St Marys Church.

Pat Taylor, chair of the British bran ch of the EUW, said: We thank the people of Warwick for their warm welcome and our visit to the Collegiate Church of St Mary inspired us to continue our work both nationally and internationally.

The EUW was one of many organisations that sprang up in Europe after the Second World War and this group focused on advancing the role of women in society.

The Union as a whole is also celebrating its 70th anniversary this year.

Speaking about the Union, Pat said: We are a European wide network of women interested in political and social development and cultural exchange - we are friends without borders.

"Founded in 1953 immediately after WW2 we work for the strengthening of peace on the basis of justice and the free co-operation of peoples.

"We aim to encourage all European women to study and resolve common problems, building long term connections and friendships based on mutual understanding and the shared values of equality and freedom.

"The EUW has consultative status with the Council of Europe and also with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations.

The position of women in British and European society has changed in the past 70 years but there is still more work to be done.

The union also pays close attention to issues and conflicts across Europe, and like many, have expressed support to those in Ukraine.

Pat said: Our message of support that is that we in British Section stand with our Ukrainian sisters in their belief in freedom and justice and we sincerely believe that the greatest violence against women is war.

For more information go to: or search @EUW_British on Twitter.

See the rest here:
British branch of European Union of Women holds its spring ... - WarwickshireWorld

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