Building health equity in Europe: call for research papers on health inequalities – EPHA – European Public Health Alliance

Disparities in access to essential rights and services such as health are rarely quantified. Existing national data is very limited, outdated or not disaggregated by ethnicity, social and legal status, which makes it difficult to analyse the extent of health inequalities between vulnerable groups, such as ethnic minorities, including Roma, people with disabilities, LGBTQI+, migrants and refugees, homeless persons, and the general population. Measuring such gaps is, therefore, essential to build knowledge about their impact, especially in the wake of COVID-19 and national responses to the pandemic; to develop appropriate policy responses; better identify the communities health needs; and implement targeted measures proportionate to the challenges that each community/vulnerable group experiences.Focusing on European and national public policies such as European Pillar of Social Rights and its action plan; the European Semester; national recovery and resilience plans; European Child Guarantee and national action plans; European anti-Racism Action Plan; European and national health programmes, EPHA is calling on researchers and policy analysts to submit a research proposal to help build knowledge about how the health of disadvantaged groups is affected by inequalities in employment, housing, education, healthcare, environment and climate.

EPHA will collect your case studies and bring them to the attention of the European Union, national governments and other health policymakers to mobilise policy and decision makers as well as European and national civil society actors to take action to build health equity in Europe.

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Building health equity in Europe: call for research papers on health inequalities - EPHA - European Public Health Alliance

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