Donald v. Donald: Trump’s ‘Worrying’ Words an EU Risk, Tusk Says – Bloomberg

Donald Trumps pronouncements in his first week as U.S. president are creating instability for the European Union at a time when the 28-nation bloc is facing the most dire threats in its six-decade history, EU President Donald Tusk said.

The change in Washington puts the European Union in a difficult situation, with the new administration seeming to put into question the last 70 years of American foreign policy, Tusk told EU leaders in a letter on Tuesday. An assertive China, a more aggressive Russia, terrorism and worrying declarations by the new American administration all make our future highly unpredictable, he said.

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In the letter to EU heads of state and government ahead of a summit on Friday, Tusk also warned member countries against anti-EU sentiment, saying the disintegration of the bloc wouldnt lead to full sovereignty for nations but would force their real and factual dependence on the U.S., Russia and China.

Tusk also saw a potential bright spot for the EU in Trumps early endeavors -- a chance to expand commerce in the midst of protectionist trends.

We should use the change in the trade strategy of the U.S. to the EUs advantage by intensifying our talks with interested partners, while defending our interests at the same time, Tusk said. The European Union should not abandon its role as a trade superpower.

Excerpt from:
Donald v. Donald: Trump's 'Worrying' Words an EU Risk, Tusk Says - Bloomberg

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