European Union seeks to toughen seal product ban

QMI Agency Feb 6, 2015

, Last Updated: 2:09 PM ET

The European Union on Friday announced plans to toughen its 2009 ban of commercial seal hunt products.

Last May, Canada lost its challenge of a World Trade Organization ruling that upheld the EU ban on the trade of seal skins, furs and other products. The EU banned those products because of animal welfare concerns.

But the WTO Appellate Body concluded exceptions for Inuit and other indigenous hunts, as well as for maritime resource management, had some discriminatory effects.

The new proposals try to remedy that by removing the exception for skins, furs and products that result from marine resource management while still recognizing the importance of seal population management hunts and increasing oversight of products brought in under the traditional Inuit hunt exceptions.

Canada and Norway have repeatedly challenged the EU ban, arguing the hunt is humane.

Humane Society International applauded the proposals as a victory for animal welfare.

The EU has to officially adopt the proposals by October to comply with WTO rules.

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European Union seeks to toughen seal product ban

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