Nobody wants Brexit more than me, but it should not be done in a click of the fingers –

Patience is a virtue, and one that will stand us in good stead as we disentangle ourselves from our complex and multi-layered ties to the European Union.

The separation cannot and should not be achieved at a click of the fingers. In order to complete a deal that is effective and mutually beneficial, it may take years rather than months to tie up the lose ends in a satisfactory way.

To put our own administrations and organisations in place to handle the new arrangements could take even longer.

That is why I welcome Government proposals for a future customs relationship. They are achievable as well as practical and they are an excellent point from which both sides can negotiate.

So I am encouraging fellow Eurosceptics who campaigned so hard for a Leave vote last year to remain patient now and not make life more difficult still for our negotiators.

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Nobody wants Brexit more than me, but it should not be done in a click of the fingers -

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