Zimbabwe: European Union Renews Mugabe, Grace Travel Bans

THE European Union renewed for another year its sanctions against Zimbabwe, including a travel ban and asset freeze on President Robert Mugabe and his wife, according to a notice on Friday in the EU's Official Journal.

According to the notice deceased Zanu PF politicians Edward Chindori Chininga, Stanley Sakupwanya, and Nathan Shamuyarira were removed from the sanctions list.

"The restrictive measures should be renewed until Feb. 20, 2016," the notice read.

"The application of the travel ban and asset freeze should be maintained for two persons."

Zanu PF spokesman Simon Khaya Moyo condemned the decision.

"The sanctions against the First Family are illegal," he told state media Friday.

"We have maintained that they should be removed because they aren't justified. Zimbabwe isn't excited by such nonsensical statements.

"These illegal sanctions have done nothing but to destroy our economy. It doesn't matter what they try to do to us, we will persevere just like we have been doing all these years.

"We're a resilient nation. The country will continue with its indigenisation policy and implementation of ZimAsset. If we need assistance, that assistance will come from our friends all over the world."

Since imposing sanctions in 2002 over electoral fraud and human rights abuses, the EU has eased measures to encourage political reform in Zimbabwe, although it has kept its ban on Mugabe and his wife Grace, as well as an arms embargo.

See the original post here:
Zimbabwe: European Union Renews Mugabe, Grace Travel Bans

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