LTE: ‘Land of the free’ is closed in PA – The Intelligencer


May I suggest that you open your copy of the United States Constitution and check the First Amendment. It reads Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;. Now I admit that Congress has not done so; but our beloved governor has used his power to do just that. He has arbitrarily closed all houses of worship until he decides otherwise usurping a right we citizens thought was sacred.

The Amendment states that Congress may not prohibit the right of the people peaceably to assemble etc. Now we have been ordered to stay six feet apart and not congregate in large groups.

Now let's skip down to the Fifth Amendment which states no person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law. How many shop or business owners have been deprived of the use of their property because they are operating a non-essential business? And who decides what is non-essential or what criteria is used? All business is essential to someone if not the customer, at least the operator and employees who earn their livelihood in its operation.

All this has been done "for our own good" but are we not entitled to decide our own good? To sum it all up, those who govern love to manage our lives and will use any opportunity to do so. I am afraid that the Land of the free and the home of the brave is closed until further notice.

Walter F Thomson


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LTE: 'Land of the free' is closed in PA - The Intelligencer

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