No early release for Ciavarella | Letters to the Editor | – Wilkes-Barre Citizens Voice

Editor: There should be no compassionate release or home confinement for poor kids-for-cash judge Mark Ciavarella (Dec. 29). His release date is June 18, 2035.

He claims he served a substantial portion of his sentence 112 out of 386 months. He wants a compassionate release due to health concerns and claims he suffers from chronic kidney disease, bronchitis, hypertension, chest pains, hip and shoulders aches and rapid heartbeats. All that list sounds like what hard-working citizens have by working honestly and doing without things just to support their families.

Where was his compassion when he sent juveniles to the detention center that he and former judge Michael Conahan profited from? The judges received $2.8 million and ruined many young lives. What did the judges say to them? You did the crime, now do the time?

He probably lives in a hotel room, not a regular prison cell. And he should not have home confinement. Hed only suffer from boredom but have friends over to play cards, drink, eat good food, sleep in silk pajamas and in his bed.

On judgment day, we will all stand facing God as he opens our book of life as we face judgement. We cant use our Fifth Amendment, we cant recoil or have someone cover for us. Hes the only perfect judge, not Ciavarella, who tried to play God. Pride goeth before a fall. He should stay in prison till 2035.

My heart cries for all the kids who suffered and may still be suffering because of his no-compassion sentences. God said vengeance is mine, I will repay.

Lizza Lamoreaux


See the article here:
No early release for Ciavarella | Letters to the Editor | - Wilkes-Barre Citizens Voice

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