Bill Berry: Looking forward to replacing campaign signs with Christmas lights –

The Trumpsters dont have the corner on sign pimping, though. Any Functioning Adult 2020 signs have popped up around here.

In another time, people didnt wear their politics on their sleeves quite so much. Men and women of my parents generation could often be heard to say, Who I vote for is between me and the voting booth. It was considered polite not to preach politics to friends and neighbors. But then there was a time when driving around in vehicles with roaring straight exhaust pipes wasnt considered polite, either. Nor was screaming into a microphone. Times change, obviously.

Stevens Point was once such a polite city that it banned political signs. Then a little guy named John Anderson led an effort to overturn the ordinance based on First Amendment rights. He was successful. Anderson was a supporter of Lee Sherman Dreyfus, the local university chancellor who ran for governor in 1978, and he wanted to proclaim so with a yard sign.

I get the First Amendment stuff, but I sort of pine for the time when people were more guarded about their political leanings. All the blabbing and blustering is a big reason why I quit Facebook and other social media. Such a relief. But the signs are hard to turn off. These days, its common to erect not one, but two, three or a half-dozen signs for one candidate or the other. Couldnt we have a bit of restraint? I guess not.

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Bill Berry: Looking forward to replacing campaign signs with Christmas lights -

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