First Amendment-loathing FEC commissioner to quit – Canada Free Press

Federal Election Commission member Ann Ravel, a left-winger who proposed regulating political speech on the Internet, announced she is stepping down from the FEC on March 1.

Ravel, appointed by President Obama, caused a firestorm in 2015 when she said

it would be under the purview of the FEC to look at some of the issues that arise in new media and the impact of new media, in particular with respect to disclosure and ensuring that there is no corporate contributions, for example excessive contributions or contributions to a particular candidates for example.

In other words, she appeared to be saying that media outlets coverage of politicians could be tantamount to contributions to those candidates. This is, of course, the way statist bureaucrats think.

The comments were made at a conference co-hosted by the leftist Brennan Center for Justice. George Soross Open Society Institute has given at least $4.5 million to the Brennan Center since 2005.

Ravel played the victim card when Americans pushed back.

I was, I should say vilified, and it was said by one of my fellow commissioners that I was trying to censor the Internet and as a result there was a barrage of really angry, threatening misogynist responses to me about it and suffice it to say nothing has happened.

In her letter of resignation to President Donald Trump she raised the Lefts standard authoritarian talking points.

I respectfully urge you to prioritize campaign finance reform to remedy the significant problems identified during the last election cycle. Disclosure laws need to be strengthened; the mistaken jurisprudence of Citizens United reexamined; public financing of candidates ought to be expanded to reduce reliance on the wealthy; and Commissioners who will carry out the mandates of the law should be appointed to expired terms at the FEC. Thank you very much.

But her whining at taxpayer expense will soon end.

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First Amendment-loathing FEC commissioner to quit - Canada Free Press

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