Letter to the editor: First Amendment only applies to Americans – The Bakersfield Californian

As surely as the robins of spring and the swallows of Capistrano, the nay-saying critics who regularly cry racism, xenophobia or Islamophobia, to name a few of their favorite charges, come out to condemn the actions and the motivations of those they disagree with. The latest of course, is the so-called Muslim ban which temporarily suspends travelers to the U.S. from seven predominately Muslim countries.

Never mind that the 85 percent of Muslims who don't live in those countries are not affected, including those in Saudi Arabia where, according to some sources, it's because of Trump's business connections there. As these seven countries were also singled out by President Obama we should logically conclude that his exemption of Saudi Arabia was also based on his personal interests, business or otherwise.

As to the claim that this executive order is unconstitutional, I have yet to see an explanation of just which part of our constitution is being violated. Do the critics really believe that our First Amendment is universal to the whole world in its application, rather than, as spelled out in the constitution's preamble, a contract among the citizens of the United States for themselves and their posterity? Only those arrogant enough to believe that the United States should rule and govern the whole world should try to bestow our constitutional rights on that world.

See the rest here:
Letter to the editor: First Amendment only applies to Americans - The Bakersfield Californian

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