Letter: Wag a finger

Published: Friday, May 23, 2014 at 17:46 PM.

I too must wag a finger at Mr. Krauss, for stating that Regis Houllions anti-gay language was inflammatory and disrespectful. He was only exercising his First Amendment right to express his bigotry and favorable views of inequality. Was Clippers owner Don Sterling merely exercising his First Amendment right with his views on inequality? Was rancher Clive Bundy merely exercising his First Amendment right with his racists views and bigotry? And cant the Grand Dragon of the KKK spew his hatred of blacks via the First Amendment? The answer to all the above is yes.

So to you Mr. Krauss, I say shame on you. This is America dagnabbit, not Russia or North Korea. We are free to say any hateful, disrespectful, bigoted, racist or inflammatory words we wish.

On a side note ... never yell fire in a crowded theater or yell hi to your friend Jack, on a crowded airplane. Never ever!

Daniel McCauley, Trent Woods

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Letter: Wag a finger

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