Our First Amendment rights

The Founding Fathers of the United States believed that the rights of the people were granted by God and not by government. These basic God given rights were embodied in the United States Constitution and, the most basic of these rights, were set out in the First Amendment. Our most basic rights are the right of speech, the right of religion and the right of free assembly.

Over the past 25 years, there has been a war waged on religion and that war is being waged, primarily, against Christians and the Christian church. In the most recent attack, the elected officials in the city of Houston, Texas, violated the First Amendment rights of several Houston churches, pastors and congregations because these pastors, churches and congregations disagreed with a new Houston ordinance requiring that all restrooms in all businesses in the city of Houston be gender-neutral. Apparently, the Houston mayor and city council believe that pastors, churches and congregations can speak freely so long as they agree with the city council.

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Our First Amendment rights

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