Q&A with First Amendment Day speaker Greg Lukianoff

By Katie Kilmartin | Published 16 hours ago

Greg Lukianoff is the presidentof the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education and the keynote speaker at UNC's sixth annual First Amendment Day, which is organized by theUNC Center for Media Law andPolicy.

Staff Writer Katie Kilmartin asked him about what he plans to talk about in his keynote address, his opinion on UNC's First Amendment climate and more.

THEDAILY TAR HEEL:What are your thoughts on UNCs ranking as one of the worst 10 universities for free speech?

GREG LUKIANOFF:I was disappointed that I had to include UNC on this years list. I explain my reasons in that piece which you can find here:http://huff.to/1qoIv5M

Im quite sure I will be getting questions about it tomorrow!

DTH:What do you plan to speak about at the keynote address for First Amendment Day?

GL:Tomorrow, I plan to talk about, of course, the First Amendment, but beyond that the larger principles of freedom of speech itself and why I believe those principles are under threat. Make no mistake about it, free speech is an eternally radical idea, so it is always under threat at all times in human history.

I will also talk about my first book, "Unlearning Liberty," and my new short book, "Freedom From Speech," in which I lay out my causes for concern for speech going forward.

DTH:What main ideas do you hope people will take away from your address?

See the original post here:
Q&A with First Amendment Day speaker Greg Lukianoff

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