SCOTUS unanimously backs NRA on First Amendment ruling – JURIST

The Supreme Court decided Thursday that government officials cannot indirectly suppress free speech through coercion, reinforcing their previous decision in Bantam Books, Inc. v. Sullivan.

Justice Sotomayor, writing for a unanimous court, said a government official can share her views freely and criticize particular beliefs, and she can do so forcefully in the hopes of persuading others to follow her lead. In doing so, she can rely on the merits and force of her ideas, the strength of her convictions, and her ability to inspire others. What she cannot do, however, is use the power of the State to punish or suppress disfavored expression.

The NRA argued that this is what Maria Vullo, former superintendent of the New York Department of Financial Services (DFS), did when she met with executives and sent guidance letters to insurance companies and financial institutions. During investigations into the NRAs affinity insurance providers following the mass shooting in Parkland, Florida, Vullo conducted meetings and sent guidance letters to overseas institutions, encouraging them to sever their ties to the NRA. These institutions had been underwriting insurance programs offered by the NRA to its members, including the Carry Guard program.

Justice Sotomayor expanded on the decision in Bantam Books, Inc., which stated the First Amendment does not permit government officials to use the threat of invoking legal sanctions and other means of coercionto achieve the suppression [of disfavored speech]. In this case, Vullo, as the superintendent of DFS, had direct regulatory and enforcement authority over all insurance companies and financial service institutions doing business in New York[she] could initiate investigations and refer cases for prosecution. Using her position, Vullo told Lloyds of London, who was facing violations of New York law, that she would focus her enforcement actions solely on the syndicates with ties to the NRA, and ignore other syndicates writing similar policies. The unanimous Court concluded, whether analyzed as a threat or as an inducement, the conclusion is the same: Vullo allegedly coerced Lloyds by saying she would ignore unrelated infractions and focus her enforcement efforts on NRA-related business.

The NRA posted a statement from President Bob Barr on X (formerly Twitter) following the ruling: Regulators are now on notice: this is a win for not only the NRA but every organization who might otherwise suffer from an abuse of government power. William Brewer, an attorney for the NRA, said the ruling was a landmark victory for the NRA and all who care about our First Amendment freedom.

Following the Courts ruling, the case is remanded to re-evaluate the First Amendment claims.

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SCOTUS unanimously backs NRA on First Amendment ruling - JURIST

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