Ted Cruz: Senate Dems Are Trying to Repeal the First Amendment

Speaking at a Family Research Council pastors retreat yesterday, Senator Ted Cruz warned the audience that Senate Democrats want to repeal the first amendment with a new amendment placing more limits on campaign finance that Cruz said is meant to muzzle peoples ability to speak out against bad government practices.

He charged that the 41 Democrats co-sponsoring the amendment want to give Congress unlimited authority to regulate political speech, which means they have signed onto repealing the First Amendment.

And what Cruz found most troubling is how the amendment says it protects freedom of the press, but makes no similar statements about freedoms of speech and religious liberty. He warned that if the amendment passes, politicians will have the power to muzzle each and every one of you.

Watch the video below, via CNS News:

[h/t Right Scoop] [image via screengrab]

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Ted Cruz: Senate Dems Are Trying to Repeal the First Amendment

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