The new librarygate: Let’s affirm the freedom to pick and choose – Abilene Reporter-News

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Askedtoday, What's in your wallet?, we'd all probably acknowledge "not as much."

Prices for gas, groceries and other items are draining our finances.

Yet, a bigger question in Abilene last week was, "What's in your library?"

Another large crowd gathered Thursday at a morning meeting of the Abilene City Council, which addressed why certain books wereon shelves in the children's section of the Abilene Public Library.

This issue has taken hold in Abilene, beginning with questions this spring aboutpublic school libraries. Of particular concern are books with themes that aredeemed not age appropriate. Particularly targeted areLGBTQbooks.

Coincidentally, or not, the latest effort was mounted at the start of Pride Month.

It seems as if location is the issue. A book ban is not being ordered, but moving the books elsewhere requested.

That, others say, would senda demeaning message.

This issue indeedis tricky.

We should know what's in our libraries. We usually don't, until we try to locate a certain book only to findit's checked out or not available here.

It's likelyfew considered what's in the children's section until they started lookingfor certain titles with content deemed offensive or inappropriate. Lists are available to conduct these literary scavenger hunts.

The First Amendment guarantees the freedom of expression, which includes a person's right to receive information. The American Library Associationin 1948 developed the Library Bill of Rights, which affirmed this protection.

We see school libraries and public libraries differently.

School libraries are intended to support the education of students, based on expertise on what is appropriate for grades. Diversity in books is important because the student population of a school can vary greatly in ethnicity, gender, life experiences, socio-economic status - all the things that make us different. A good lesson to learn.

While teachers and librarians are their guides, children are more on their own. Parents may not discover what a child has picked until the book arrives at home.

A public library is different.

For starters, youngsters and parents/guardians shouldgo togetherto choose books.

It's like going to the grocery store. A child may grab the box of sugar-laden cereal, say Kellogg's Honey Smacks, but an adult replaces it with something healthier. Or at this time, something less expensive. The decision provides the adult the opportunity to explain to the child why Box B is better than Box A.

It's unlikely the adult will go to the store manager to have Box A banned, unless to complain that only sugary cereals are for sale.

A library is a grocery store for readers. You pick and choose, and you let others do the same.

What you like, someone else may not like.

What you don't find offensive, someone else could.

Are Stephen King books too long? A fan might argue otherwise.

Library hunts for "bad books" come and go in history. The efforts are more about going on in society. We know too well we currently live in a divisive time.

There seems to be two stumbling blocks.

Today, it's more "our way or the highway."Are we afraid we'd find our views faulty, or, at least, better understand one contrary to ours? Would our friends run us off the road if we did?

More troubling is blaming someone else. The school. The public library. The City Council.

While some parents are championing their right to parent, parents are not taking the responsibility to parent.

It can't work that way.

There was no local public library issue until one was created. Now that we have, let's review current procedure toaffirm it. A Questionable Books Section is out of the question.

There is no need to create more divisiveness and a retaliatory cycle. Anyone's favorite books could be targeted next.

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The new librarygate: Let's affirm the freedom to pick and choose - Abilene Reporter-News

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