What happened to 1st Amendment? – Bitterroot Star

We just came back from a trip to the East Coast. While on the plane we got into a discussion with several college students returning from spring break. The subject came up that as Christian Conservatives they are being silenced on their thoughts and beliefs by liberal students and professors. They are afraid to speak up for fear of being harassed and failing a class because the professor bashes President Trump and conservative values. These liberal professors are exceeding their authority and the administration is condoning it. What happened to the First Amendment right to speak what one believes is the truth? Why are these professors getting away with forcing their political views and religious beliefs on students? When I was in college it was to teach students to think for themselves, examine the evidence and exchange ideas without fear of being put down or a professor failing you because you disagreed. The Left wants tolerance, so they say, until you dont believe the way they do and then they become bullies and intolerant. There is a saying, Why do you see the speck in your brothers eye, and not the log in your own? I would say this describes the liberals who cant see beyond their own small minds. I have also talked to many college students in Missoula and the same thing is happening there. The students First Amendment rights have been taken away! If you have a child there you should find who these professors are and complain to the college. This must stop! Everyone has a right to believe what they want without fear! If this does not stop soon you will see a communistic state where everyone lives in fear and cant express their beliefs. Dee Gibney Hamilton

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What happened to 1st Amendment? - Bitterroot Star

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