Volokh Conspiracy: Panel discussion on the future of the Fourth Amendment

I recently participated in a provocative and interesting panel on the Fourth Amendment and new technology during a conference at Georgetown Law. My co-panelists were Judge Richard Posner, Judge Margaret McKeown, DOJs Michael Dreeben, and Georgetowns David Cole. Georgetowns Laura Donohue moderated. You can watch the whole thing here via C-SPAN.

If you only want to watch the highlight, check out this 6-minute excerpt over the value of privacy between Judge Posner and David Cole. We had been talking about searching cell phones, and Posner expressed his view that cell phone privacy was no big deal. Cole disagreed, and the two of them debated the issue. I score this Cole 1, Posner 0.

Orin Kerr is the Fred C. Stevenson Research Professor at The George Washington University Law School, where he has taught since 2001. He teaches and writes in the area of criminal procedure and computer crime law.

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Volokh Conspiracy: Panel discussion on the future of the Fourth Amendment

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