12 free utilities that can give you more control over your PC – PCWorld

Okay, so lets say youve run your Belarc report and installed HWInfo. You know what youre working with, but how do you know how your computer will perform under a heavy load? There are dozens of stress-testing utilities out there, but Prime95 and MemTest86+ are two stalwarts. Prime95 uses your processor to calculate extremely large prime numbers, and MemTest86+ taxes your RAM with several different memory-straining algorithms. If youve got a flaw in your setup, these utilities will smoke it out. Hopefully, the smoke in this situation is figurative.

MemTest86+ is especially useful because you can boot to it, so if you suspect a memory problem is making Windows unstable, you can bypass the operating system entirely and test the hardware from the BIOS level.

Also, if you feel like contributing to a larger cause, Prime95 is part of GIMPS, the Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search. There are cash prizes for using Prime95 to discover new Mersenne primes!

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12 free utilities that can give you more control over your PC - PCWorld

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