Auto appeal software to hasten delivery of services in Haryana – Hindustan Times

An auto appeal software (AAS) was launched on Wednesday to ensure that citizens get delivery of services by government departments in a time bound manner in Haryana.

Chief minister Manohar Lal Khattar said this will bring transparency and accountability in government functioning.

The software of the Haryana Right to Service Commission will ensure that if a government department fails to deliver a service to a citizen within a stipulated time period under the Right to Service Act, the matter will get auto escalated to an appellate authority.

The commission, constituted under the Haryana Right to Service Act, aims to provide delivery of service to citizens in a time-bound manner.

RTSC chief commissioner TC Gupta said if the service still remained undelivered, the application will get escalated to a higher authority and so on to the RTSC.

Also, citizens can themselves file an appeal against rejection of a service by a government department, Gupta added.

At present, 546 services pertaining to 31 departments have been notified under the Right to Service Act. The Act has also notified designated officers, first and second grievance redressal authority for delivery of services.

Gupta said with the introduction of auto appeal software, people can expect services to be delivered within a stipulated time frame. Officers and employees will no longer be able to take things casually. Failure to deliver may result in action and they can lose their job if a monetary penalty is imposed on three occasions, Gupta added.

The chief commissioner said all deputy commissioners have also been given clear direction to review the status of notified services under the Right to Service Act. The DCs have been told that if a districts score is below 8 (out of 10), then a displeasure note will be communicated, and if the score is above 9.5, then a letter of appreciation will be given every month.

Khattar said AAS will prove to be a milestone in timely-delivery of government services. He said action should be taken against the officer or employee who does not work within the prescribed time limit.

The punishment fixed by the commission for dereliction of service delivery should be strictly implemented. But the officers and employees who work ahead of time should also be rewarded, he said.

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Auto appeal software to hasten delivery of services in Haryana - Hindustan Times

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