CommonLook Gives Back to Higher Ed with Free Software and Training – GlobeNewswire

Arlington, VA, April 12, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- CommonLook launches a unique program that delivers two of their PDF accessibility tools to higher ed institutions in the United States and Canada at no cost. These tools work as plugins within Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Word and Microsoft PowerPoint.

CommonLook PDF, CommonLook Office and training on those tools are completely free to colleges and universities for a period of six months. After six months, the institution will have the option to renew the license at the current educational pricing for a single license of each tool.

With all the challenges that higher ed has had to contend with in the past 12 months, we wanted to give back to the higher education community, says Monir ElRayes, CommonLooks President and CEO. By providing institutions with one free license of two of our software tools, institutions can deliver standards-compliant and accessible PDFs to students, educators, staff and any other parties that communicate with their university or college.

The offer consists of the following tools and training:

These two tools and world-class training are 100% free. Terms and conditions apply, but there are no strings attached.

A full list of terms is available on CommonLooks website.

PDF Accessibility: What it is and why its important

If you have healthy eyesight, all you need to do to read a PDF is open it. Lines of text and images neatly arranged in front of your eyes.

Viewing, reading, accessing and using a PDF is not as straightforward for people with visual disabilities who may not see the physical view of a PDF clearly, instead, they must rely on the documents digital accessibility using a screen reader.

If public-facing PDF documents published on your website are not accessible, then you have two big problems. First, you discriminate against people with disabilities, especially visually or cognitively impaired individuals. Your second problem is exposure to legal liability, which can strike a devastating blow to your bottom line and your reputation.

In the context of digital media, accessibility requires that an electronic or digital asset is easily opened, read, understood and navigated by everyone, meaning people with or without disabilities. Theres no halfway or percentage that works; it must be 100%.

A Newbies Guide to the PDF Accessibility Maze

CommonLooks executive team has over 30 years of experience and leadership in the field of accessibility providingsoftware products,professional servicesandworld-class training.

CommonLook COO, Daniel Kim said, Sometimes when a catastrophic event like COVID-19 occurs, important issues like accessibility are put on the back burner. This pandemic devastated our world, but we found a way to fight back. CommonLook is doing its part to make sure that accessibility is never lost, even amid a pandemic. We salute all education professionals and say thank you from the bottom of our hearts. One small way to truly show our appreciation is to provide our software free to all university educators throughout North America. Again, thank you, educators, for all your support and hard work!

CSU Case Study

PDF Accessibility Tools in this Offer


A professional PDF remediation software that works as a plugin within Adobe Acrobat.

Compare CommonLook PDF and Adobe Acrobat Accessibility Features


Generate accessible PDFs from Word and PowerPoint with this plugin.

Compare CommonLook Office vs MS Word

Compare CommonLook Office vs MS PowerPoint

Learn more about this free offer for higher ed.

About CommonLook

Since 1999, CommonLook has been a world-leading provider of software products and professional services enabling organizations to meet their obligations for electronic document accessibility.

CommonLooks hybrid approach includes document testing, assessment, evaluation and remediation, along with training and support.

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CommonLook Gives Back to Higher Ed with Free Software and Training - GlobeNewswire

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