DataArt Releases Free Form PF Software to Ease Hedge Fund Compliance Reporting


DataArt, a custom software development company that builds advanced solutions for select industries, today announced the availability of free Form PF software to create a more efficient and reliable filing process for hedge funds.

Form PF is a challenging regulation requirement for the hedge fund industry, as investment advisors continue to be overwhelmed by the time and effort it takes to collect, aggregate and validate filing data. Firms have previously relied on expensive and inefficient licenses from software providers to file, or even attempted the strenuous process of filing manually. DataArts free Form PF software simplifies the implementation of automated filings for the creation, editing and approval of the form. Features for either in-house integration or individual application usage include:

Firms can now more effectively optimize and enhance filing processes through a standard user interface, which can connect to in-house data sources, through a format that will ensure deadlines are met with the most up to date information.

This application is the first in a line of our complimentary solutions to help buy-side firms overcome new regulation requirements and optimize the cost of compliance reporting, said Oleg Komissarov, a Senior Vice President at DataArt. In the future, we will be releasing solutions in response to other reporting requirements, including AIFMD, FATCA, CPO-PQR and OPERA. We look forward to continuing to elevate the industrys response and fluid adaptation to regulation challenges through collaborative, professional and cost-effective methods.

Hedge fund clients are already successfully utilizing the DataArt user interface. Recently, it was integrated by its partner, Imagine Software, to automate and respond to Question #42 for numerous industry firms.

For more information and to download DataArts free Form PF software, visit

About DataArt:

DataArt( is a custom software development firm that builds advanced solutions for thefinancial services,healthcare,hospitalityandother industries. Combining domain knowledge with offshore cost advantages and resource flexibility, DataArt develops industry-defining applications, helping clients optimize time-to-market and minimize software development risks in mission-critical systems. With an unrivaled talent pool of highly skilled software engineers in New York, London, Russia and Ukraine, DataArt provides the technical skill, accountability and industry knowledge needed to deliver custom applications on time and on budget.DataArtclientsinclude Standard & Poors, Harmonic Fund Services, Ogilvy, artnet, Panasonic, Cancer Research, Ocado, Charles River Laboratories, Betfair, Misys, leading asset management firms and three of the worlds top ten investment banks. @DataArt

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DataArt Releases Free Form PF Software to Ease Hedge Fund Compliance Reporting

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