Free computer software classes offered | Community | – La Grande Observer

LA GRANDE Training & Employment Consortium, La Grande, continues to offer free computer classes, with online interactive Word and Excel courses planned in March and April.

All classes are held 8:30-11:30 a.m., and pre-registration is required. Participants must have on their home computer a version of Microsoft Office 2010 or newer and a microphone. Also, a camera is preferred.

A one-day Intro to Word class is set for Monday, March 8. The class is designed to introduce basic word processing functions. Participants will learn how to create documents; cut, copy and paste information; format documents; know the difference between the Save and the Save As feature; and use the spellcheck and thesaurus features.

Intermediate Word, a four-day course, follows on March 9-11 and 15. Students will review features taught in the Intro to Word class plus learn how to create, format and use the different features of tables, place information into columns, and add graphics to a document. The instruction is entirely hands-on with a lot of exercises.

Excel classes will be offered in April. Intro to Excel will be taught on Tuesday, April 6. The class is designed for the beginning student to learn how to develop spreadsheets; enter formulas that will calculate desired rows and columns; and enhance documents by modifying fonts, font size and color.

Students may then move on to the five-day Intermediate Excel course, held April 7- 8 and 13-15. Participants will learn how to create graphs; use the absolute function, subtotal and comment features; and how to use the softwares more advanced functions.

Call Lynn at 541-963-7942, ext. 4, or email to register and get enrolled through I-Match.

Training & Employment Consortium is an EOE/Program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request (TTY dial 711).

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Free computer software classes offered | Community | - La Grande Observer

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