Free Software Foundation video explains the value of free software

The FSF's video about free software

The Free Software Foundation has created a helpful video that explains what free software is and why users should value it.

Libby Reinish at the FSF explains why they created the video:

Most people interact with free software every day, but many of those people don't know what free software is or why they should go out of their way to use it. We want to fix that (and we think you do too), so we commissioned a short video that makes free software easy for everyone to understand.

We partnered with Urchin Studios to make this animated introduction to free software. Urchin made the video with all free software. People have been looking to the FSF for thirty years for explanations about the importance of free software. We want to make more videos like this, and other materials, but they cost money. If we meet our annual fundraising goal of $525,000 by January 31st, you can be sure there will be more great projects to come in 2015.

Please show your love for this video by making a donation or becoming a member today.

More at Free Software Foundation

Watch the video via YouTube:

As you might imagine, the video caught the attention of Redditors and a discussion ensued about the virtues of the Free Software Foundation's efforts:

Acidw4sh liked the positive focus of the video:

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Free Software Foundation video explains the value of free software

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