Free tax prep in Bastrop County

Did you earn $58,000 or less in 2013? If so, you are eligible for free income tax preparation and assistance through United Way for Greater Austins Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program in Bastrop County.

Last year, the Bastrop tax center prepared close to 200 tax returns, said Faith Sams, United Way financial opportunity program outreach coordinator. Families and individuals can save money on return preparation fees and get the same attention and professionalism that they would at a retail tax preparer.

There are two ways to file your taxes for free.

United Way, Wal-Mart and Bank of America have teamed up to provide free tax preparation online using H&R Block software at

If your household made $52,000 or less in 2013, taxes can be filed in person with an IRS-certified volunteer at Workforce Solutions of Bastrop County, 53 Loop 150 West, now through April 12 on Thursdays from 5-7 p.m. and Saturdays from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.

A large percentage of the folks we help are return customers and everyone is very pleased with the service we provide them, said VITA volunteer coordinator Ben Williams. Just being able to help others and being a resource for the community is what I enjoy about helping others with their taxes.

Williams has been with the VITA program for three years and said he also enjoys knowing that the free service keeps hundreds of dollars in the community and in the hands of the taxpayers.

While supplies last, $10 H-E-B gift cards will be given to those who complete their taxes in person.

Materials needed to file taxes include: Social Security or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number for each family member and working adult; W-2s, 1099s, 1098s and other income forms; childcare provider name, address and tax ID (if applicable); and bank routing and account numbers for checking or savings accounts.

Dial 2-1-1 or visit for more information.

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Free tax prep in Bastrop County

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