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Test and measurement is no longer possible without software, unless you still record measurements by and do the data analysis with a pencil and paper. Fortunately, you don't always have to spend a fortune; there's plenty of free software out there.

Compiling a complete list of free software for test would take so long that it would be obsolete by the time it was compiled. Instead, I asked a few reliable engineers and posted a request on the Test & Measurement World LinkedIn group.

The real problem with compiling a software list for test and measurement is knowing when to stop. For example, you can use many plotting and graphics programs for data analysis, but they're not specific to test. But then, the most popular data-analysis software that you usually get from your employer -- Microsoft Excel -- is also a general-purpose program.

There's also math software, which could be used for data analysis, but it's also not specific to test.

Here's a short list. It includes some software from instrument makers and some mobile apps. Feel free to add to this list in the comments and post links to share.

The categories are:

To Page 2: Programming/scripting languages

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