How to Run Windows on Your Mac – AARP


Check the task or tasks that you need Boot Camp to help you with.

Onthe next Select Tasks screen, check off the appropriate box or boxes toCreate a Windows 10 or later install disk, Download the latest Windows support software from Apple, andInstall Windows 10 or later version. ClickContinue.

Absent any hang-ups, you will be taken to a Create Bootable USB Drive for Windows Installation screen, where you are asked to choose the Windows ISO image and USB drive. ClickContinueto copy the requisite files to the USB drive orStopto interrupt the drill. All this can take a lot of time.

Next, choose your partition sizes, or the amount of space youre devoting on the drive to Windows and the amount for macOS. Drag the divider between the Mac and Windows partitions and when satisfied clickInstall. As you choose, carefully consider the demands and programs you expect to put on each operating system, because you cannot change the partition size later.

From here youre brought to a Windows installer. Choose theBOOTCAMPpartition when asked where to install Windows. Apple warns you not to create or delete a partition that can wipe out the contents of your macOS partition.

Follow the onscreen Windows instructions to complete the installation in Windows. Youre asked to enter a valid Windows activation product key, which you may have received via email after purchasing a digital copy of Windows. Youll need to restart the computer.

Even after you install Windows, you have to install Apples Boot Camp drivers to ensure the hardware works properly. Follow the onscreen prompts, clickFinishand clickYesto restart the Mac again.

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How to Run Windows on Your Mac - AARP

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