Teachers ‘Google’ tech solutions – Valdosta Daily Times

VALDOSTAWith so much technology in students hands these days, teachers often need a hand to stay ahead.

Allison Mollica | Submitted PhotoStudents Carlos Torres, Cameron Jackson, Benny Zhang, Samuel Sandwell and Brandon Booker received an impromptu training session in coding smartphone applications during a Google education program for Valdosta-Lowndes County schools.

Nearly 250 teachers throughout Lowndes County and beyond trained for three days in Google Apps for education at Valdosta High School.

About 60 teachers received Google certification Tuesday, said Valdosta City Schools Assistant Superintendent Scarlet Brown.

AppsEvents, a Google partner, provided Google-certified instructors from across the United States to instruct teachers to use Googles free software suite for educators to provide a more interactive classroom experience for students.

Teachers learned how to use Google services such as Youtube playlists, Google Classroom and Google Forms.

There are 60 million teachers and students on Google Apps for education worldwide, said Allison Mollica, USA director of AppsEvents.

Daniel DeMersseman | The Valdosta Daily TimesTeachers learn how Google Classroom software can help their students.

Mollica also offered a bonus for students who volunteered technical assistance during the event. Students Carlos Torres, Cameron Jackson, Benny Zhang, Samuel Sandwell and Brandon Booker received a free impromptu training session in coding smartphone applications during a free period at the event.

We got to have the conversation: If you can code, you have a job, Mollica said.

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Teachers 'Google' tech solutions - Valdosta Daily Times

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