Best to keep your mouth shut – Keokuk Gate City Daily

Maxine Waters comments about Ben Carson knowing nothing about and caring nothing about people in public housing had me rolling on the floor. He grew up very poor. I think he has some idea. Waters on the other hand, doesnt even live in the congressional district she represents. It has the second highest number of African Americans in California. The district she actually lives in has 6 percent, nearing the level of segregation of the 1950s.

She also lives in a 6,000-square foot, $4.3 million mansion in one of the wealthiest neighborhoods in L.A. How did she manage that working for 40 years in government? How does she keep getting re-elected when she doesnt even live in her district? Maybe the blacks in her home district need to be asking themselves these questions instead of falling for the same tired rhetoric from the Democratic Party that only seems to care about them around election time.

In the 513 days between the killing of Trayvon Martin and the courts verdict on George Zimmerman, 11,106 blacks were murdered by other blacks nationwide. 2014 statistics show that more black babies were aborted just in New York City (31,328) than were born (24, 759) disregarding all claims of the Black Lives Matter movement. Killings in Chicago, mostly black on black, have risen 46 percent since a year ago.

But all Democrats like Waters can do is trash President Trump and push for his impeachment? Why, because her candidate lost the election? I have to ask myself why African Americans are almost always Democrats with the track record they have for not keeping campaign promises. Think Obama. Not that the Republicans walk on water in that area. At least Trump appointed a man like Ben Carson over HUD as someone who understands and wants to help poor blacks improve their lives like he did his own.

The Democrats are playing you for a political chump, you are a traitor to your own race. Malcolm X, one of my heroes from the 60s said.

He was killed a few days later by black Muslim Democrats. Im also not forgetting the comment from then Democratic President, Lyndon Johnson after signing the Civil Rights Act. Ill have those n***ers voting Democrat for the next 200 years.

Wake up people. Stop complaining about whitey and do something about the so-called friends within your own ranks.

And as far as Im concerned, Maxine Waters is a perfect example of why Affirmative Action is not always a good idea. She opens her mouth and dumb rolls out. She is poised to take apart Ben Carson when he comes before her committee. She has vowed to take his a** apart. I have no fear for Ben Carson as he is a brilliant man who came up the hard way and hasnt forgotten it. I only hope its televised so we can watch him put her in her place.

Maxine Waters would do well to remember that famous Mark Twain quote, It is better to keep your mouth shut and be thought an idiot than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

Instead of all the infighting between Dems and Reps, how about coming together and working for the people who put you in office?

Connie Knox

Fort Madison

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Best to keep your mouth shut - Keokuk Gate City Daily

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