George Zimmerman: Barack Obama Is Racist? See His …

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So despicable. Two young journalists died on Aug. 26, when they were slain live on the air during a news report in Virginia. For reasons unbeknownst to, like, everyone, awful humanGeorge Zimmermanhas weighed in with his two cents, writing about whyPresident Barack Obama is a racist in light of the attacks. Sensitive as usual, George. Check outhis egregious tweet for a good LOL.

Pansy Vester lee Flanagan George wrote on Twitter on Aug. 26. Too much of a daisy to deal w/racism. Murders 2 whites. Hate crime, 100%. Racist Obama says nothing condemning.

We know, we know. So much stupidity to unload in a single tweet. Alas, we must soldier through it.

First of all, lets startwith the obvious that Georges Twitter icon is a picture of the confederate flag, the universal symbol of a person whos got their finger on the pulse of the direction of this country (severe sarcasm, obviously).

For those who may not recall, George was caught up in his own racially implicit incident back in 2012, when the former neighborhood watchcoordinator shot and killed an unarmed black teenager,Trayvon Martin. George was charged with murder, however, he was ultimately acquitted. Regardless, many, many (many) Americans believe Mr. Zimmerman is guilty of cold-blooded murder so maybe he should choose his words more carefully when deciding who to call out as a racist on Twitter.

Anyways, George also spewed a ton more ignorant garbage on his Twitter which you can peruse at your own risk, but for now well leave you with just the original tweet which you can check out below.

Do you think Zimmerman is a hypocrite for calling President Obama a racist?

Casey Mink

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George Zimmerman: Barack Obama Is Racist? See His ...

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