George Zimmerman Denies Retweeting Photo Of Trayvon Martin …

George Zimmerman responded to criticism over a retweet he posted of Trayvon Martin after his death. The image was attached with a tweet from Zimmerman that read, Z-man is a one man army.

According to the Orlando Sentinel, Zimmerman claims he had no idea that the image of Trayvon was attached when he sent the tweet.

The man acquitted of killing Trayvon wrote the following in a letter on his Twitter account:

"The image of the body was blocked on my twitter feed and all twitter feeds. Until the user chose to click on the blocked image warning it does not show the image. I did not click on the blocked image and preview it prior to re-tweeting it."

George Zimmerman was acquitted in 2013 for the murder of Trayvon Martin while he was on neighborhood watch at a Florida apartment complex. The 17-year-olds death made headline news and put Zimmerman in an almost unredeemable spotlight.

Zimmerman goes on to say in his letter that he wouldnt have retweeted a photo of Trayvon following his murder because God wouldnt approve of such an action.

"As many have learned about me throughout my trial and subsequent events, I hold my Christian values very close. I believe that me knowingly re-tweeting that image, would not be looked upon favorably by God; therefore I would not do it."

Zimmerman often criticizes President Obama on his Twitter account and still makes news for his sordid tangles with the law that involve alleged assaults. He has the controversial Confederate flag has his background image on Twitter as well.

When President Obama once made the comment that if I had a son, hed look like Trayvon, Zimmerman reacted with an inappropriate tweet.

Zimmerman often banters back-and-forth with those who berate him on social media. Stirring the pot is a near-constant with Zimmerman, whom has a rather large platform to work with when it comes to getting his antagonizing messages across to people. His agenda, it seems, is to be as insensitive as he can while claiming his innocence in the Taryvon Martin murder scandal.

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George Zimmerman Denies Retweeting Photo Of Trayvon Martin ...

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