George Zimmerman net worth: How rich is the criminal?

Nickname: George Michael Zimmerman

Date of birth: the 5th of October, 1983

Profession: insurance company worker, student

Nationality: United States of America

Source of wealth: crime

If you want to make the ends meet, you should start working immediately. But if you want to become a millionaire, you should come up with something different. For example, George Zimmerman committed a murder.

Currently George Zimmerman net worth is estimated at $1 million. Some sources publicize another amount $2 million. In fact, when George Zimmerman started his career, he had never thought about becoming a millionaire and a celebrity.

He was born in Manassas, Virginia and later moved to Lake Mary, Florida, where he served at an insurance company. At first Zimmerman seemed to be an ordinary American citizen he earned his living, studied at college and later got married.

George and his young wife Shellie Dean rented a house in Sanford, Florida. There George Zimmerman acted as the neighborhood watch coordinator. During one of his working shifts George killed the black-skinned teenager Trayvon Martin.

Two men had a conflict, and Zimmerman used his gun to solve it. After the fatal shot, Zimmerman was arrested, but later acquitted. The contradictory court process made Zimmerman a celebrity. And the skilful killer managed to monetize his fame.

Zimmermans friends created a website, where people, who wanted to support the defendant, donated money. It is hard to believe, but George got approximately $33, 000 of donation within one month only. Later the amount of supporting money increased to $150, 000.

George didnt consider the amount of his net worth final. He began to look for new ways of making money on his trial. He signed $2 million deal with a reputable publish house to write a book about that night, when he killed Martin and his emotions after that.

In addition to that Zimmerman sold his paintings, connected with the murder, and even put in an auction his gun, which he used to kill the boy. They say he got $250, 000 for the weapon.

Although later Zimmerman was arrested several times for domestic violence, now he remains rich and popular.

More here:
George Zimmerman net worth: How rich is the criminal?

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