George ZImmerman Out On Bail, Again (Video)

George Zimmerman was back in a familiar place on Tuesday: a Florida courtroom. But this time, he faces a felony assault charge for what allegedly happened at his new girlfriends house on Monday. Both Zimmerman and his 27-year-old girlfriend, Samantha Schiebe, called 911 after an altercation.

George Zimmerman called 911 on Monday to report his pregnant girlfriend had gone crazy and called police on him after trying to kick him out.

It was a Tuesday to forget for George Zimmerman after he was charged with assaulting his girlfriend, kicked out of her house, and served with divorce papers all in the same day.

Shellie Zimmerman was breathless on the phone with a 9-1-1 operator telling the operator her husband Zimmerman was threatening with a gun. Psychologist Dr. J. Buzz Von Ornsteiner has his own theories on the domestic allegations. There may be that possibility that there was no learned insight, there was no processing. There was this idea well I was justified, I was right, said psychologist, Dr. J. Buzz Von Ornsteiner.

George Zimmerman appeared in court after being arrested for allegedly pointing a gun at his girlfriend. The husband of former Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris was found dead. A conservative student group canceled its Catch An Illegal Immigrant Game.

A man who cut off his forearm to free himself from a dislodged boulder in a Utah canyon was arrested in Denver on allegations of domestic violence.

George Zimmerman was arrested Monday after he cocked and pointed a shotgun at his girlfriend, shattered a glass-top table, then pushed her out of the house and barricaded himself inside after she ordered him to move out

George Zimmerman was charged Monday with assault after deputies were called to the home where he lived with his girlfriend, who claimed he pointed a shotgun at her during an argument, authorities said. (Nov. 18)

George Zimmerman was spotted at the Seminole County Sheriff's Office today, where he and his girlfriend retrieved guns that were confiscated after his arrest last month, according to a report.

A juror in the George Zimmerman trial says she was "sure" call for help heard on a 911 call came from Zimmerman

George ZImmerman Out On Bail, Again (Video)

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