George Zimmerman: Pictures, Videos, Breaking News

I believe it is the height of hypocrisy to accuse our President of "rushing to judgment" while Hannity reports leaked stories and speculations that fit his narrative and right wing agenda that attacks the President and Democrats.

Unlike in Florida and Texas, in Massachusetts and several other states, we treat a license to carry a firearm seriously, and only allow our most responsible citizens to do so.

Last year's jury decisions in racially-charged investigations were only the most recent to reveal the schism in the country's perceptions of how race intersects with justice. From the Roper Center for Public Opinion Research archives, here is a look back over more than twenty years of data on race and the jury system.

Kathleen Weldon

Research Coordinator for the Roper Center for Public Opinion Research at UConn

Martin was more than just another young black male gunned down in an act of senseless violence. He became and will remain a challenge to the nation to do something about that violence.

As George Zimmerman finds himself in the news again for yet another charge of domestic violence, I am reminded of the thing that baffled me most in this bizarre series of events.

Neal Wooten

Writer, artist and standup comedian; author, 'Reternity' and 'The Balance'

I have concluded that America's Evangelical church covers up America's structural racism, helps to hide it, and is thereby complicit in the abuse.

See the article here:
George Zimmerman: Pictures, Videos, Breaking News

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