George Zimmerman re-tweets photograph of Trayvon Martins …

George Zimmerman, the killer of Trayvon Martin, continues to behave as if hes in a competition to see who can be The Most Vile that he doesnt realize he long ago won, re-tweeting this weekend a since-deleted photograph of Martins dead body with the message Z-man is a one man army.

(Salon is opting not to include this picture in the post, but it can be viewed here.)

Zimmermans been doing everything he can to call attention to himself in recent months, including calling President Barack Obama an ignorant baboon and partnering with an Islamophobic gun shop owner to sell paintings of Confederate battle flags.

But re-tweeting a picture of the teenager whose life to took seemed like a new low for the proud vigilante, at least until he went on Twitter again this morning, in which he re-tweeted the embedded tweet from kataisa below:

Decent people even, or especially, ones who killed a teenager during an altercation wouldnt use what should have been the difficult decision to dispatch another human being to troll the media. But Zimmerman is more interested in owning people than he is owning up to actions:

See original here:
George Zimmerman re-tweets photograph of Trayvon Martins ...

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