George Zimmerman tells pro-gun radio show: Get insurance …

George Zimmerman called the Armed American Radio on Sunday and held a pity party for himself.

He told host Mark Walters and his guest, self-defense expert Massad Ayoob, that his life has changed so much since he fatally shot Trayvon Martin that he could scarcely remember what things were like before.

I dont really remember what normal is, Zimmerman said. Ill tell you that Im not working I enjoyed working, I enjoyed being a productive, taxpaying member of society. I havent worked since the incident, so in terms of the violent threats, the bounty on my head, I havent seen on any of the bounty posters an expiration date.

Zimmerman, who was eventually acquitted in the slaying of the 17-year-old, said his notoriety has been a huge emotional and financial burden on his family, many of whom have been forced to change jobs, schools, and addresses to avoid public scrutiny.

The person going through the incident, such as I was, thats a tremendous burden on you, too, knowing that your familys out there, Zimmerman said. From what Ive heard from a lot of supporters, no matter what the incident is or what scale its on, you do receive a lot of threats, fear of retaliation, and sitting behind bars when youre absolutely helpless is not where anybody wants to be.

Knowing that they may not have the resources to feed themselves or drive themselves to get their medicines or their doctors appointments, that wreaks mental havoc on anybody, he added. I dont care how your intestinal fortitude is, just that aspect alone would be enough to drive anybody insane.

Zimmerman advised gun owners to buy self-defense insurance, which seems to be his greatest regret in the fatal shooting of the unarmed teen.

Go to the range to practice, keep your guns in a safe location, and primarily, now that I know that Im $2.5 million in debt, just in lawyers fees, I paid over $360,000 in hard costs to the state of Florida just in, you know, copies, CDs, manuscripts, that kind of stuff I would definitely invest in getting some type of self-defense insurance, and again, arming yourself with the knowledge of what you can do and what you should or shouldnt do after the incident, Zimmerman said.

He complained that the media had not presented him fairly after killing the boy and initially escaping charges.

The media, theyre not in the business of telling the news, theyre now, unfortunately, its evolved to them being in the business of making the news, and whether it costs people their lives, their livelihood, dignity, the position in the community they could not care less, Zimmerman said.

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George Zimmerman tells pro-gun radio show: Get insurance ...

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