In brief | January 19, 2017 | … – Grandblancview

Homeowners Forum to meet in February

GRAND BLANC TWP. The GB Homeowners Forum has cancelled its meeting for the month of January. Please join us for the next scheduled meeting on February 15, 6:15 p.m. in the David Stamm Community Room located at the Grand Blanc Twp. Police Department, 5405 S. Saginaw Rd. The guest speaker for February is renowned Farmington Hills Condo and HOA lawyer Steve Guerra. The meeting is open to the public. P.S.

GBHS Bands craft show

GRAND BLANC GBHS Bands will host A Concert of Crafts - Fine Arts & Craft Show April 29 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Grand Blanc High School East, 12500 Holly Rd. This event features handcrafted fine arts and crafts by local and regional artists, a bake sale, concessions, kids craft activity & more! Proceeds benefit the GBHS Bands. For more information or applications for spaces available, email P.S.

Women of a New Tribe to open Jan. 22 at FIA

FLINT Women of a New Tribe, artist Jerry Taliaferros photographic study of the spiritual and physical beauty of women in Flints African American community, opens Sunday. Jan. 22, at the Flint Institute of Arts.

The 10th Annual Community Gala, will take place at 6 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 21. It will include discussion with the artist, viewing, and a reception with music, a strolling supper and cash bar. Pre-event tickets are $40 per person for FIA members, $60 per person for non-members. Tickets at the door are $55 for members, $75 for non-members. The exhibit runs through Saturday, April 15. L.R.

Race, privilege topic of 10-minute plays

FLINT Flint Youth Theatre will present Facing Our Truth, a collection of 10-minute plays that examine race and privilege, at 4 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 22.

In light of the George Zimmerman verdict, The New Black Fest commissioned six very diverse playwrights to write 10-minute plays on the topics of Trayvon Martin, race and/or privilege.

The purpose of Facing Our Truth is to incite serious discussion throughout area communities around these urgent issues.

The collection includes The Ballad of George Zimmerman by Dan OBrien and Quentzal Flores, Colored by Winter Miller, Dressing by Mona Mansour and Tala Manassah, Night Vision by Dominique Morisseau, No More Monsters Here by Marcus Gardley, and Some Other Kid by A. Rey Pamatmat. Tickets cost $7. The show is recommended for adults and older teens. Facing Our Truth is sponsored by Dr. Daniel and Donna Anbe. L.R.

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In brief | January 19, 2017 | ... - Grandblancview

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