Report: Former friend and advocate of George Zimmerman now says he was guilty

Posted: 11:31 a.m. Monday, May 12, 2014

From the Web

According to a report from an Orlando TV station, a former friend and advocate of George Zimmerman is now saying that he believes Zimmerman should have been found guilty.

Frank Taaffee says he wants to clear his conscience saying his brother's death last month and the deaths of his two sons over the past two years have changed him.

According to the report:

"What I know of George and his tendencies and also my opinion is that he racially profiled Trayvon Martin that night because if that had been a white kid on a cell phone, walking through our neighborhood, he wouldnt have stayed on him the way he did and thats a fact and I believe that in my heart," said Taaffe.

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See the original post here:
Report: Former friend and advocate of George Zimmerman now says he was guilty

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