This NY Play Imagines Trayvon Martin Surviving 2012 Shooting … – Okayplayer (blog)

An image taken from The Trial of Trayvon Martin play. Photo courtesy of Art Voice

The five-year anniversary of Trayvon Martins death recently passed back in February, and his story still resonates today. So much so that it is the basis for a recent play that is happening in Buffalo, NY.

As a part of the Subversive Theatres Black Power Play Series, the performance space is hosting a play titled The Trial of Trayvon Martin.

The play,directed by Gary Earl Ross, offers an alternate take on the confrontation that took place between Martin and George Zimmerman, with the latter dying and the former having to go to trial. A synopsis of the play is as follows:

This original Two Act play blends the urgency of protest theatre with the intensity of courtroom drama and the creative bite of historical fiction by asking a series of WHAT IFs. What if it was George Zimmerman who died that fateful night in Florida in 2012? What if it was Trayvon Martin who went on trial for murder? How would the same jury that acquited Zimmerman in real life react to the same stand-your-ground defense on the lips of a 17-year-old black man? How badly are the scales of justice tipped in this land? This hypothetical tale looks at the brutal reality of American racial injustice from a fresh and unrelenting angle.

The play is sure to be controversial but seems to be offering an interesting take on the incident, providing a commentary on the double standards Martin would have likely faced if he were the one that had survived. You can find out more information about the play here.

Trayvons mother, Sybrina Fulton,recentlyreflected on her sons deathat Western Michigan University, as a part of the schools Lyceum Lecture series.

I lived this average lifestyle until February 26, 2012, when my average lifestyle was interrupted, Fulton said. Theres a part of me that just wants to go just back to my old lifestyle and my old way of living and my old way of thinking, but from that day I can never go back.

In a public question-and-answer session that followed, Fulton took questions from the audience, one of which was how long it would take her to forgiveZimmerman.

Nobody can tell me how long its going to take to heal my heart, she said.

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This NY Play Imagines Trayvon Martin Surviving 2012 Shooting ... - Okayplayer (blog)

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