Why George Zimmerman ‘stalked’ Jay-Z’s private eye – WND

Possibly for the first time in the history of modern media, a private investigator (PI) complained to the authorities about being stalked.

According to NBC, PI Dennis Warren got 55 calls, 67 text messages, 36 voicemails and 27 emails from Zimmerman.

Reports NBC with a straight face, Zimmerman allegedly also threatened to feed the investigator to an alligator, the court papers show.

I am embarrassed that I didnt rise above their entrapment, Zimmerman told WND, and do as the Bible has taught me, turn the other cheek.

Perhaps, Zimmerman adds, I should have done what Mr. Warren did and filed a protective order against his harassment of myself and my family.

In the way of background, a year ago producer Harvey Weinstein remember him? and Shawn Jay-Z Carter announced the production of a docu-series titled Rest In Power: The Trayvon Martin Story.

PI Dennis Warren was hired by the duo to recruit people close to the story of Martins death at George Zimmermans hands in Sanford, Florida, in 2012.

Savagely attacked by Martin, Zimmerman shot the 17-year-old to save his life.

From the beginning, the media refused to tell the truth about the little boy who just happed to be an aspiring MMA fighter nearly half a foot taller than Zimmerman.

Martin was high at the time he attacked Zimmerman. A burglary tool was found next to his body. Martin had been suspended from school earlier in the year after being apprehended with stolen jewelry and a different burglary tool.

Like Nikolas Cruz at Parkland, Martin was spared the criminal justice system in a misguided attempt to balance the racial demographics of those arrested. The media shared none of this with the public.

Nor did the media mention that at the time of the shooting Zimmerman was a civil rights activist, a mentor to two black teens, and an Obama supporter.

The media put a target on Zimmermans back well before Zimmerman was even arrested. The New Black Party openly offered a $10,000 bounty for Zimmermans head in 2012, and Obamas DOJ said nothing.

Jack Cashills book explains the truth about the Trayvon case fake news media covered up: If I Had a Son: Race, Guns, and the Railroading of George Zimmerman

Ever since then, Zimmermans family members and a few of his close friends have had to live very guarded lives. According to Zimmerman, Warren used a variety of subterfuges to circumvent security and approach these people.

After Warren located Zimmermans brother living anonymously in Virginia and sneaked into the gated community where Zimmermans uncle lived, Zimmerman decided to turn the tables on Warren and harass him back.

No way did I want them to know where I or my parents lived, says Zimmerman. I can take the heat, but leave my parents and family alone.

Zimmerman is hardly being paranoid. He is routinely insulted, occasionally assaulted, and in 2015 he survived an assassination attempt by inches. The would-be assassin is now serving 20 years in prison.

Despite the provocation, Zimmerman regrets treating Warren the way he did. My family and my loved ones have been through enough, he says. Its time I let my attorneys handle these matters so that I can move on with a private, productive future.

The misdemeanor charge against Zimmerman comes to court on May 30. Without question, says Zimmerman, they did this to generate publicity for June or July launch [of the docu-series]. It is much cheaper than ads.

It is highly unlikely that Rest in Power will tell the truth about what happened in Sanford, Florida, on Feb. 26, 2012.

The series is based largely on the book Suspicion Nation by NBC legal correspondent Lisa Bloom. The book is a joke.

In Blooms retelling, Zimmerman feared black men and profiled the 17 year-old Martin for no reason other than his race. Only by fully ignoring Zimmermans civil-rights work does Bloom make this claim seem remotely plausible.

As Bloom tells the story, Zimmerman follows Martin after the officer tells him not to. He confronts Martin. He grabs or shoves him. A frightened Martin punches Zimmerman. A tussle ensues.

It is not particularly significant who is on top. Zimmerman pulls the gun, points it at Martin, and continues his profane insulting rant for 40 seconds during which time Martin screams aaah in fear. An angry, panicky Zimmerman shoots and kills Martin.

To make this nonsensical theory work, Bloom overlooks major chunks of evidence and makes stunning mistakes on the evidence she does present.

If Jay-Z sticks to the book, the real crime is likely to be the docu-series itself. Harvey Weinstein may have left the production, but his spirit of fair play seems to linger on.

See the rest here:
Why George Zimmerman 'stalked' Jay-Z's private eye - WND

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