A Rand Paul valentine to Hillary Clinton

From Rand, to Hillary: Happy Valentine's Day.

That's the message Sen. Rand Paul, R-Kentucky, sent to 2016 hopeful Hillary Clinton early this Valentine's Day, with a social media attack inspired by Pinterest and delivered on Twitter.

Paul's verified Twitter account posted a Pinterest page early Saturday morning with text that read: "If Hillary Clinton set up a Pinterest for Valentine's Day, we can only imagine it might look like this." The tweet linked to a faux Pinterest board documenting GOP talking points that criticized the former secretary of state.

Pinterest is a website and app that allows users to "pin" images to an online profile, serving as a virtual corkboard. While it's not generally known for hosting presidential campaigns, the popular social sharing network is an innovative tool in any potential candidate's arsenal. And Paul -- or at least his press team -- sure knows how to work its advantages.

The "boards" that Paul's team curated for Clinton range from the frivolous (one titled "White House Remodel" showcases photos of furniture and pokes fun at the Pinterest user tendency to "pin" home redecoration tools) to the foreign ("Friends First" depicts Clinton in close contact with controversial leaders overseas).

The Kentucky Republican also pokes fun at Clinton's weaknesses, including "Benghazi-gate," her support of the Affordable Care Act and her closeness with President Obama. The Pinterest page also displays valentines doctored with quotes from the former first lady.

Paul's tweet made its rounds on social media, with dozens of retweets and responses.

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A Rand Paul valentine to Hillary Clinton

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