Authentic words from Hillary Clinton?


(CNN) -- Lost amidst the predictable clutter of the "will-he-or won't-she" questions about whether Jeb Bush or Hillary Clinton will actually run for the presidency is an unexpected development: a hint of authenticity.

Turns out that political purgatoryeven if temporarycan actually spark a genuine conversation with the public about what it takes to be president, and what goes into deciding whether you want to run.

Here's Hillary on herself: "The job is unforgiving in many ways, so I think you need people around you who will kid you, make fun of you. ... You can lose touch with what's real, what's authentic."

Gloria Borger

Here's Jeb on his decision: "Can I do it where the sacrifice to my family is tolerable?...It's a pretty ugly business right now. There's a level under which I would never subjugate my family because that's my organizing principle. That's my life."

So while Chris Christie won't answer questions about immigration and Ted Cruz is threatening to block presidential nominations and Rand Paul is blaming the tragic Eric Garner death on cigarette taxes, there's another more personal and revealing conversation going on about the presidency and how to get there, and we ought to pay some attention.

You can lose touch with what's real, what's authentic. Hillary Clinton

Not just because it's coming from Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton, although that is a part of it. After all, Hillary's outside support network is up and running, even if she isn't officially yet. And while Jeb has no campaign infrastructure or organization, his closest advisers are having enough meetings with enough operatives to send enough signals that it's a very live, real, even likely, possibility. Though Jeb's advisers tell me he hasn't made a decision, the process over the last six months sure looks like it leads to a presidential campaign.

So all the cheerleaders need is the final hand signal.

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Authentic words from Hillary Clinton?

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