Cushions and crudites: the demands of Hillary Clinton

After lengthy deliberations over the shape, colour and upholstery of the chairs to be used at the event on state at the universitys Royce Hall, Mrs Clintons representatives specified the two long, rectangular pillows with two more kept backstage in case she needed additional back support.

The Lecture on Thought Leadership is one scores of paid speaking engagements that Mrs Clinton has performed since leaving office in 2009, with her fees going to support the Clinton Foundation, the Clinton family philanthropy arm.

Although Mrs Clinton does not personally profit from the events, there has been increasing scrutiny on the Clintons jet-set lifestyle in the run-up to the announcement ? expected early next year ? that she will run for president in 2016.

On a campaign visit to Iowa earlier this year for the Harkin Steak Fry political fundraiser, documents showed that event organisers had paid $50,000 [GBP31,500) just to fly the Clintons in to the state.

The idea that Mrs Clinton might be losing touch with the ordinary voter came back to the fore this year when she complained to an interviewer that she and her husband, Bill Clinton, were dead broke when they left the White House ? a remark that attracted widespread scorn.

It emerged from the documents that Mr Clinton had delivered the same Luskin lecture at UCLA in 2012, but only charged $250,000 [GBP160,000] causing one university official to exclaim Wow! She gets $50K more than hubby! When the University asked if Mrs Clinton could give them a discount given their status as a public institution, they were informed that $300,000 was the special university rate.

The University decided to award Mrs Clinton the UCLA Medal in recognition of her achievements. The former First Lady accepted but stipulated that it should not be hung around her neck, but presented in a box.

Chancellor Block has agreed to accommodate Hillary Clintons request to have the medal presented in a box, confirmed another official in the emails obtained by the Washington Post.

With Mrs Clintons time being so valuable, guests paid up to $2,000 for a pair tickets and a photograph with the potential future president as organisers tried to claw back some of her huge fee, reducing the number of free tickets available to students to 413.

The number of photographs was limited to a total of 50 clicks including two group photographs another university official wrote, twice urging that the groups needed to be ready and waiting for Mrs Clinton. She doesnt like to stand around waiting for people, the official warned.

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Cushions and crudites: the demands of Hillary Clinton

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