Hillary Clinton emails released from State Department …

The roughly 300 emails, about 850 pages, are part of the 30,000 that she turned over to State from her private email server, which she used almost exclusively to conduct both private and public business during her time at State. They reveal a range of correspondence from Clinton, everything from policy briefs to scheduling requests to friendly exchanges with staff.

White House press secretary Josh Earnest says the new emails "do not change in any way anyone's understanding" of what happened in Benghazi, and the State Department reiterated the same in a tweet.

"The emails we release today do not change the essential facts or our understanding of the events before, during, or after the attacks," the department tweeted.

Clinton herself commented on the release at a campaign stop in New Hampshire on Friday, telling reporters she was happy they were out but was waiting for more.

"It's beginning. I just would like to see it expedited, so we could get more of them out more quickly," she said.

Below, a collection of some of the most newsworthy tidbits from the emails:

In one email, sent four days before Christmas in 2012, Clinton sent a note to her entire State Department staff, acknowledging a "challenging week." She had fainted about a week prior and suffered a concussion, which prevented her from testifying before House and Senate committees on the attacks.

"We need to learn from the tragedy in Benghazi and make every possible improvement -- and we will," she wrote in the five-paragraph note.

One day earlier, Clinton wrote in an email to two top aides headed to the Hill on her behalf: "I'll be nursing my cracked head and cheering you on as you 'remain calm and carry on!'"

One of those aides, Tom Nides, hints that he's not entirely excited about the grilling.

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Hillary Clinton emails released from State Department ...

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