Hillary Clinton 'thinking about' presidential run in 2016

Hillary Clinton was noncommittal when asked about a presidential bid in 2016 during a Clinton Global Initiative event hosted by comedian Jimmy Kimmel. Clinton she said she's 'very concerned' about the country's direction. (Posted April 9, 2014)

5:51 a.m. CDT, April 9, 2014


Asked again the question on the mind of everyone who follows U.S. politics, Hillary Clinton said Tuesday she was "thinking" about running for president in 2016.

"Part of it is because the hard questions are not: 'Do you want to be president? Can you win?' The hard questions are why. 'Why would you want to do this and what can you offer that could make a difference?'" Clinton said in a video of the exchange posted on the Internet.

"I saw it from afar when I was secretary and it was disheartening and even embarrassing to see people arguing about letting us default on our debt, really, and things that were just so beyond the pale," said Clinton, who served as secretary of state in Obama's first term.

Clinton, who has been giving speeches across the country since leaving the State Department last year, frequently deflects questions about her presidential ambitions. The former first lady has said she is considering a White House bid, but that she will not make a decision before the end of 2014.

"I'm not going to make a decision for a while because I'm actually enjoying my life," Clinton said on Tuesday. "I'm actually having fun."


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Hillary Clinton 'thinking about' presidential run in 2016

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