Hillary Clinton tweets photo with granddaughter after Chelsea Clinton gives birth

ChelseaClintonhas given birth to a girl, she said in a statement on social media, giving former President BillClintonand former Secretary of StateHillaryClintontheir first grandchild.

Hillary Clinton posted a photo on Twitter on Saturday afternoon, showing the Clintons holding their granddaughter. In the tweet, she said the elder Clintons "are over the moon to be grandparents! One of the happiest moments of our life."

"Marc and I are full of love, awe and gratitude as we celebrate the birth of our daughter, CharlotteClintonMezvinsky,"Clintonsaid in the post on her Twitter and Facebook profiles early Saturday, referring to her investment banker husbandMarc Mezvinsky.

Later on Saturday morning, Charlotte's new grandparents shared their excitement about the birth in a joint statement.

"We are thrilled to be with our daughter and her husband as they welcome their daughter into the world," the senior Clintons said.

"Chelsea is well and glowing. Marc is bursting with pride. Charlotte's life is off to a good start," they said.

ChelseaClintonannounced her pregnancy in April while sitting side-by-side with her mother in armchairs on a stage at a New York City event on empowering women.

It remains unclear how the birth of the firstClintongrandchild will affect the political ambitions of HillaryClinton, who is considering a run for theWhite Housein 2016.

In 2011, former PresidentClintontold reporters inDavos,Switzerland: "I would like to have a happy wife, and she won't be unless shes a grandmother ... It's something she wants more than she wanted to be president."

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Hillary Clinton tweets photo with granddaughter after Chelsea Clinton gives birth

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